Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Silverback Mountain

I have never liked Bill Frist. I was working at the Scene when his memoir came out back in '89, and I thought he was a self-involved weinerhead. I love watching him step all over his dick trying to run the Senate, and I love watching Trent Lott smirk in the background, despite Lott's status as a racist dickhead.

All that said, poor Bill isn't the one writing homoero...simianerot.... Aw, hell—fucking bizarre shit like this:
"When you're this close, you feel this kind of oneness with them," Frist said. The stink of ape sweat and gorilla testosterone soaked his hair and clothes.

It's about the work he does taking care of the gorillas in the National Zoo, and God love him for it, because I grew up in DC and spent many happy Sunday aftenoons there.

But damn! This article is weird. Trent Lott's flacks must be high-fiving each other. If they're not laughing too hard to raise their arms.

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